Pain Medicine

Our pain medicine specialists are experts in helping adults and children with a wide range of painful disorders. They listen to your concerns and develop an individualized treatment plan to make sure you get the right therapy when you need it.

For people with complicated medical histories and multidimensional pain syndromes, treatment may be multifaceted and require complex interventions


Knee pain is one of the most disabling conditions that affect more than 1/3rd of elderly persons. Along with increase in age, there is an exponential increase in the risk of knee osteoarthritis in Obese people, people with sedentary lifestyles & work environment conditions.

In Knee osteoarthritis cartilage in the knee joint progressively degrades, becomes thin & leads to rubbing of two bones which leads to Joint pain. Patients will have pain, stiffness of Joints and lead to poor quality of life.

In the initial stages, most of them take the help of pain killers & exercises. In later stages, they end up in Knee Replacement surgeries.

Regenerative therapy is a booming way of managing Knee Pain, it is a nonsurgical way with no side effects and with promising results.

What is Regenerative Therapy?

Human body tends to degenerate and get damaged because of aging or due to excessive use or as a result of injury. Regenerative medicine is a new emerging branch which deals with repairing and regenerating the torn-out tissues using one’s own blood.

How does it work?

Human blood has many growth factors present in the platelets. When injected into the torn tissue, they help to repair it and also lead to regeneration of new healthy tissue.

How is the procedure done?

The procedure is very simple and can be treated as day care procedure. Patient’s own blood is taken using a thin needle and then blood is transferred in a special container called cartridge and the PRP containing the growth factors is injected ,into the damaged area. Once the PRP is injected into the damaged area, it creates a small amount of inflammation that triggers the healing cascade. There are number of growth factors and enzymes released which will lead to formation of collagen, and thereby repair and regenerate the tissue. It takes only 3 months for the entire tissue to regenerate again. There are few conditions whic will require three sittings for the complete regeneration, like in Osteoarthritis. The three sittigs are done at an interval of 15 days. Few conditions will require only one sitting of PRP therapy.

What is Knee Osteoarthritis?
Knee Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition of knee joint, where the cartilage present in the knee joint undergoes degeneration and gets torn up .The patient will suffer pain and stiffness of the knee joint initially and then as it progresses other symptoms like redness, swelling increase in pain , will occur depending on the grade of Osteoarthritis.

What are the treatment options available forKnee Osteoarthritis pain, till now?
Initially, the doctors advise pain killers and physiotherapy. This shall provide only temporary relief of symptoms, but the damage still continues and the patient is advised to undergo knee replacement surgery. In the initial stages, if we stop the progression of the disease by PRP therapy, there will be complete regeneration of the cartilage in 3 months, which is more relieving than a replacement surgery.

Our Hospital offers a comprehensive range of services for patients suffering from acute or chronic pain.
They have helped patients return to independence and comfort, and have restored their quality of life.

What are the precautions to be taken after treatment?

This highly developed therapy comes with some precautions that if kept in mind, can resolve and help in betterment. Certain precautions are

• Weight reduction
• Quadriceps exercises
• Avoid squatting
• Sitting on floor
• Avoid using Indian toilets
• Consulting a doctor in initial stages of pain

What are the advantages of PRP therapy?

The innovative and advanced technique of PRP therapy has a number of avantages, such as:

  • Weight reduction
  • Quadriceps exercises
  • Avoid squatting
  • Sitting on floor
  • Avoid using Indian toilets
  • Consulting a doctor in initial stages of pain


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