Gynaecology and obstetrics

We specialize in providing the best care for all the issues faced by women in different stages of life related to:
We are committed to improving health and well-being around the World


  • Menstruation
  • Birth control
  • Fertility
  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause


Our practice provides complete care for the pregnant patients.All aspects of your care can be addressed by our practitioners including questions about medications, food and lifestyle changes, general blood work, fetal monitoring by fetal non-stress tests or sonogram, and any other issues that may arise during your pregnancy.


We offer comprehensive gynecological services:
  • preventative care
  • treatment of abnormal pap smear
  • treatment for vaginal and urinary infections
  • treatment of endometriosis
  • diagnosis and management of abnormal bleeding
    treatment of uterine fibroids, uterine polyps and ovarian cysts

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